My posting during the next week will be light. We begin rehearsals tomorrow in Tampa for two performances of Carmen next weekend. This is always the busiest week of my year, as I have to fit in end-of-term school stuff along with the evening rehearsals, and the commuting creates schedule "crush." Anton Coppola will be conducting.
I hope you have all had a nice Thanksgiving with your familes. I intend to spend next Thanksgiving with some family. This year it just wasn't possible, and I regret that. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, as there isn't quite so much commercial crap directed at us about it. The only thing that was directed at me this year was a hilarious e-greeting card from a friend which portrayed a turkey singing a parody of I Will Survive!.
Let me enthusiastically recommend Stephen King's On Writing to anyone with an interest in writing fiction. He doesn't mess around, and there is plenty to think about. The core of the book is his advice on the process of writing, but he begins and ends the book with autobiography. It was written during the time he was seriously injured when hit by a van on the roadside, so the book ends with an account of the accident and his recovery. Powerful stuff. I don't know of a better book on the writing process.