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August 08, 2006



I haven't lived in Atlanta for quite a while, but I do know that Dr. Lemonds retired from Emory years ago. You might try the Emory Alum Assoc., or the Westminster Choir College Alum Assoc.

He was an inspiring conductor. In Atlanta he often went out on a limb to perform very complicated and huge pieces, such as the Britten War Requiem and the Mahler Eighth Symphony, but he usually made them work.

Thanks for the note.

John Clem

One of the most memorable experiences of my high school years--1963-68--was a choral clinic conducted by William W. Lemonds in the Shenandoah Valley in the late 60s. Please advise regarding Dr. Lemonds, any information, please.


Richard, thanks the mention and link. I've reblogged you with a link at http://theovergrownpath.blogspot.com/2006/08/i-am-enemy-you-killed-my-friend.html

Keep up the great blog,


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